2nd General Meeting
You are cordially invited to join us for our 2nd General Meeting on Saturday, January 19, 2019 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Deaf Community Center in San Leandro!
Free entrance and open to all.
There will be Thai food provided (first come first served), a discussion panel about Asian Deaf/signers' experiences, social activities, plus a chance to participate in re-voting our BAADA logo! This is a time where our BAADA community members express what they would like to see from BAADA. Also, interpreters will be provided.
For more information, visit and like our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram. Any questions or concerns, please e-mail us.
See flyer!
[Flyer Description: White background w/ purple borders. At the top are six purple/pink/gold colored lanterns. Upper right-hand corner is a gold bold circle with text 'Happy New Year 2019.' Center of the flyer text in purple and pink 'Come join Bay Area Asian Deaf Association 2nd General Meeting. January 19, 2019 | 10am-1pm. Deaf Community Center 1550 San Leandro Blvd San Leandro, CA. Free entrance - open to all. Discussion Panel; vote new logo; social activities; Thai food. Interpreters provided.' Bottom left-hand corner shows BAADA logo in b/w. Bottom right-hand corner 'Contact us for questions or concerns, baada.ca@gmail.com | VP 415-802-2791 Follow us www.baada.us FB, IG @baada.ca']
Watch our vlog! https://youtu.be/aeYIKyjaXpY
We hope to see you there!